Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions apply to all tours booked/reserved through Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, a local company based in Arusha, Tanzania. They establish the contractual agreement between Wildfinder Tours & Safaris and its customers. It is essential to carefully read and understand these Terms and Conditions. By booking a tour with Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. You are considered to have accepted these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all persons listed in the booking. Thus, all members of the group signal their agreement to and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. The person who completed the booking is designated as the primary contact for all other members listed in this booking


  1. Deposits & Final Payments

When reserving a tour with Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, a deposit of 30% is required to confirm the tour and initiate the necessary booking procedures and preparations. Payment instructions will be provided via email. The remaining balance for the booked tour must be paid no later than 8 weeks before the tour begins. Bookings made within 8 weeks of the tour start date must be paid in full. All payments to Wildfinder Tours & Safaris should be free of bank charges and credit card transaction fees.

  1. Booking Agreement

A booking is confirmed, and these Terms and Conditions come into effect when Wildfinder Tours & Safaris has received the agreed deposit from the customer and the customer has received written confirmation of the booking from Wildfinder Tours & Safaris. The customer responsible for confirming the booking must be at least 18 years old and agree to provide Wildfinder Tours & Safaris with comprehensive and accurate information as requested to complete the booking. If a customer confirms a booking for a tour involving more than one named customer, they confirm that:

  • They have the authority to make such a booking on behalf of all other customers and have communicated all essential information to them.
  • The information provided about all customers is thorough and accurate, and they have obtained all necessary consents and permissions to share such information with Wildfinder Tours & Safaris.

  1. Cancellation Policy

In the event that you need to cancel your tour, we kindly ask you to notify us in writing. To compensate for the estimated loss incurred due to your cancellation, cancellation fees per person will be charged as outlined below:

Number of Days Before Arrival Percentage of Total Cost
61 days and beyond 10% of the total cost
60 – 31 days 30% of the total cost
30 – 15 days 50% of the total cost
Less than 14 days 100% of the total cost

If We Cancel:

Although it is extremely rare for us to cancel a confirmed booking, we always strive to avoid such circumstances. However, we reserve the right to cancel under certain conditions. We will not cancel a confirmed trip less than 60 days before departure unless we are compelled to do so due to extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, which could not have been avoided even with the utmost care. In the event that we cancel your tour (excluding cases where you have failed to make payment or due to force majeure*), we will offer you the opportunity to purchase an alternative tour of comparable standard with us, if available, within the same time frame. If the chosen alternative is cheaper than your original tour, we will refund the difference. If it is more expensive, we will ask for the difference. Alternatively, you are entitled to a full refund of all costs already paid to us. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse any expenses and losses incurred as a result of the cancellation.

Force Majeure:

We regret to inform you that we cannot offer compensation if the proper performance of our duty is hindered by events that we or the involved service providers could not have foreseen or prevented even with the utmost care. Such events may include war, terrorist activities, unforeseen government actions, insurrections, civil unrest, natural disasters, border closures, labor disputes, fires, road closures, theft, epidemics, quarantines, disruptions to land and air transportation, extreme weather conditions, and other similar events beyond our control.

  1. Travel Insurance

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris does not offer travel insurance. Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to purchase travel insurance from their home country that includes the minimally recommended coverage for medical expenses, medical evacuation, and repatriation. We strongly recommend that customers extend their coverage to include cancellation and all other costs that may arise during their trip due to loss, damage, injury, delay, or inconvenience. When purchasing travel insurance, customers should ensure that the insurer is informed about the nature of the planned trip to provide appropriate coverage for the specific tour.

  1. Medical Conditions

All customers are required to provide accurate and relevant medical information to Wildfinder Tours & Safaris when booking their tour. It is the customers’ responsibility to assess their suitability and ability to participate in a tour with us. We recommend that all customers consult their physician regarding their suitability for the booked tour. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris advises customers to seek medical advice on necessary vaccinations, medical precautions, or other health-related considerations for their entire trip with us.

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris’ adventure tours may involve visits to remote or less developed regions of Tanzania, where medical facilities may not meet the standards found in a customer’s home country. The quality of medical facilities in these areas varies, and Wildfinder Tours & Safaris makes no assurances or guarantees regarding the standard of such facilities or medical treatments in these regions.

  1. Special Requirements

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris strives to accommodate customers’ special requests, such as dietary and accommodation preferences. However, it is important to note that such requests are not part of these General Terms and Conditions or the contract between the customer and Wildfinder Tours & Safaris. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris cannot be held liable for the inability to consider or fulfill such requests.

  1. Prices, Surcharges, and Taxes

Due to the dynamic nature of the tourism industry in Tanzania and the fluctuating prices of its associated resources, the published price of any tour product is subject to change up to 30 days before the departure of the tour, both before and after booking confirmation. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris reserves the right to impose surcharges on any tour product due to increases in accommodation costs, transportation costs, fuel prices, taxes, service fees such as third-party costs, currency fluctuations, park fees, or government measures that affect the price of the relevant tours. However, such surcharges will only be applied if the increase is significant enough to warrant it. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris will notify affected customers as soon as possible after determining the necessity of such surcharges in accordance with this provision.

Upon receiving notification from Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, affected customers have the option to either:

  1. Cancel the booked tour without penalty fees; or
  2. Accept the revised price.

The customer must inform Wildfinder Tours & Safaris of their decision within 14 days of receiving notification of the increase; otherwise, they will be deemed to have accepted the price adjustment and will be obliged to pay the increase.

  1. Changes to the Itinerary

By booking a tour with Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, the customer acknowledges the inherent flexibility required for adventure travel, particularly in Africa, and agrees to reasonable changes to the itinerary and/or route by Wildfinder Tours & Safaris. The customer understands that the route, schedules, departure times, accommodations, travel routes, amenities, and transportation may be changed without prior notice due to various circumstances or events. These circumstances can include illness or technical failures, incidents at the travel location, flight cancellations, strikes, political disputes, entry or border difficulties, extreme weather, and other unforeseen events beyond the reasonable control of Wildfinder Tours & Safaris. The customer acknowledges that Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is not liable for such changes or adjustments.

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is not obligated to provide discounts or refunds for missed or unused services due to circumstances beyond its control, including a customer’s cancellation of participation in the tour due to the customer’s fault, negligence, or violation of these terms and conditions.

Although Wildfinder Tours & Safaris strives to ensure that the booked tour proceeds as planned, it cannot guarantee strict adherence to the agreed itinerary. Therefore, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris reserves the right to modify the itinerary as needed or for the benefit of the tour. Efforts will be made to inform customers of changes before the tour begins; however, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is not obligated to do so and is also not obligated to provide any resulting refunds.

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris has no control over the management of accommodation providers used on its tours. Therefore, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris may, in some cases, be informed by its accommodation providers that reserved accommodations are no longer available due to circumstances beyond its control. In such cases, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris will provide alternative accommodations of at least the same or higher standard.

  1. Risk

The customer acknowledges that our tour products involve adventurous activities and may pose significant risks to health and/or safety. By participating, the customer assumes all such risks and releases Wildfinder Tours & Safaris from any claims for losses, damages, injuries, or death resulting from the inherent travel risks, including adventure travel, visits to wild and remote areas, and participation in adventurous activities described in the itineraries. The standards of hygiene, accommodation, and transportation in some destinations may be lower than those in the customer’s home country or region.

The customer acknowledges that Wildfinder Tours & Safaris provides information or guidance on local customs, weather conditions, safety concerns, physical challenges, or applicable laws at the destinations to the best of its knowledge and belief. However, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is not liable if the customer does not act in accordance with the provided information.

Customers must strictly adhere to all relevant laws and regulations in Tanzania and at the travel destinations. A violation or engagement in illegal activities may lead to the immediate termination of travel arrangements by Wildfinder Tours & Safaris without liability, and the customer will not be entitled to any refund for unused services or costs incurred due to the termination, including return travel, accommodation, meals, and incidental expenses.

Customers agree to take reasonable safety precautions during adventure travel with Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, including the proper use of safety equipment such as seat belts, harnesses, and helmets, and following posted signs and warnings. Neither Wildfinder Tours & Safaris nor its third-party providers are liable for any failure by the customer to follow safety instructions or recommendations.

  1. Complaints

Customers experiencing issues during their trip should promptly inform the company’s management via email at info@wildfindersafaris.com or by phone at +49 151 40363881. All complaints submitted after the completion of a tour must be communicated in writing to Wildfinder Tours & Safaris within 30 days after the completion of the respective tour.

  1. Third-Party Providers

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris arranges travel services and other components of your tour product through accommodation providers, event organizers, airlines, bus companies, transfer operators, shore excursion providers, tour guides, and other independent entities (“third-party providers”). Although Wildfinder Tours & Safaris exercises reasonable care in selecting third-party providers, it does not directly monitor or supervise them and therefore cannot be held responsible for their actions or omissions. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris disclaims and accepts no responsibility for claims, losses, damages, costs, or expenses arising from inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, disappointment, distress, or frustration, whether physical or mental, resulting from the actions or omissions of parties outside of Wildfinder Tours & Safaris and its employees.

  1. Liability

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is not liable for any damages, expenses, losses, or claims arising from the fault of a customer, unforeseeable or unavoidable actions or omissions of third parties not involved in the provision of travel services, or force majeure. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris assumes no responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage to customers’ luggage or personal belongings during the tour. Customers are advised not to leave personal items unattended in public areas, transportation, or elsewhere, and are responsible for their belongings at all times.

  1. Force Majeure

“Force majeure” refers to circumstances beyond the control of Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, including but not limited to acts of God, explosions, floods, storms, fires, accidents, war or the threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil unrest, requisition, illness, quarantine, governmental intervention, weather conditions, or other external events. In the event of force majeure affecting Wildfinder Tours & Safaris, the company will promptly inform you of the nature and extent of the situation. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris shall not be considered in breach of contract or liable due to force majeure.

If Wildfinder Tours & Safaris is affected by force majeure, the company reserves the right to alter or cancel reservations or arrangements related to the tours at its discretion. Any refunds issued by Wildfinder Tours & Safaris due to non-performance will be made where possible. However, Wildfinder Tours & Safaris may deduct reasonable actual and potential costs incurred by the company due to the force majeure event from any refund.

  1. Photos & Marketing

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris reserves the right to use any photographs and videos taken during the tours for marketing or other promotional purposes. By participating in the tour, the customer consents to the use of such photographs and authorizes the company to retain copyright for these materials.

  1. Changes

Wildfinder Tours & Safaris reserves the right to update and/or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, with the revised Terms and Conditions published on the Wildfinder Tours & Safaris website. Such changes will take effect 10 days after their publication on the website. The most recent version of the Terms and Conditions can be accessed on the Wildfinder Tours & Safaris website or will be provided to customers upon written request. Customers are deemed to accept any changes to these Terms and Conditions 10 days after their publication on the website. Wildfinder Tours & Safaris recommends that all customers review the Terms and Conditions before their trip to ensure they are familiar with the most current version.

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